
"SDL in the EVS cycle" happened in September 2013 (from 16th to 22nd) in Mollina (Málaga, Spain).

It was a training course organised by the Spanish National Agency within the Youth in Action programme.


EVS is a complex and challenging learning experience within Non Formal Education, not just a mobility program. One of the characteristics of the Non Formal Education is how important is to be aware of our own learning, and learn how to take responsibility of it.

It is, at the same time, an empowerment and entrepreneurship experience.


Quality EVS experience automatically is based on Self Directed Learning (SDL), which volunteers generally aren't prepared for. Neither are many mentors or the organizations supporting them. Guiding and supporting this new process requires a specific approach from mentors and trainers in EVS cycle, as well as other actors that can directly influence this process.


Therefore this training course aimed to explore what does Self Directed Learning mean, how to prepare the volunteers, how to guide & support this process to get to a full and rich learning experience owned by the EVS-volunteers themselves.


If you want to learn more about this training, please check the different pages!